Thursday, March 5, 2009

412 resurrection phase 2

  now that its running/driving its time to take it all apart. i've decided against converting to manual transmission because it's more important to me to have everything done by the fall so i can drive it, and it leaves me more time/money to spend on a proper engine rebuild and my strut modification:

  this is the KYB strut cartridge that can be used in conjunction with a slightly lowered spring perch to lower the front end about 2", bringing it level with the rear. it's intended for use on the VW Quantum/Audi 4000 and is a gas damper, perfectly valved for the heavy-duty stock springs of the 412. a simple adapter stub has to be made for where everything bolts up to the body, aside from that its pretty straightforward. i can finally take out the 160lbs of concrete mix i put in the trunk to force the nose down, poor-bastard-style. here's an example of the stub:

and the complete strut assembly, adapter fitted:

  also, the proper pistons are finally available with the high-compression, domed crowns, and they're only $200 for the full piston & cylinder set in the stock 90mm (1.7 liter) size:

  i want to try and convert to hydraulic lifters, which requires a new cam, but if i remember right the one thats in it now is pretty shot, and once the mechanical lifters are gone, i wont have to adjust the valves every 6000 miles...the only other engine work i want to do is get a good head job; sodium-filled (porsche style) exhaust valves, new valve guides/seats, smoothed ports, and resurfaced face. lots of work to do...